Sincopat Hits the Magical Number 100 With AFFKT Amazingly Remixed by Top-tier Artits GusGus and Biesmans
The last month of the year is approaching and great news with it. Valencia-based talent AFFKT delivers his latest EP ‘Plot’ this December 17th to celebrate Sincopat‘s 100th release! A magic number for a 3-original tracks EP where there are also special guest wizards: GusGus and Biesmans reinventing two of the main titles (“Humperdoo” and “Barrejat” respectively).
All together have consistently forged bold and unpredictable paths in today’s dance music scene. This very special Sincopat pack, a marvellous sampling of the label’s incredible riches.
“The history of Sincopat could not have been written without the help and work of a great team behind, the artists who support our music and without the people who dance and listen to our music, so thank you very much to everyone for making it this real” – AFFKT attests while he smiles and his eyes gets watery.
The latest EP released by AFFKT on his own Sincopat imprint was “Forward, Looking, Thinking”