Ten Years of Suara (2008-2018)


Ten Years of Suara (2008-2018)

10th Anniversary of the imprint (and brand) created by Coyu

10 years ago an up and coming Barcelona-based DJ & Producer named Coyu –who by the way is locked now in the studio working on his debut album- launched back in 2008 a label as an output for a very special new sound. Over the years, Suara has become one of the most important and successful brands of the club scene worldwide. Thanks largely, and of course, to the unconditional support of the press specialized in electronica and club sounds. I really appreciate it.

Having said all that, you can bet it is a great pleasure for me to confirm this special event. And as celebration is a must -not every day is a decade of life! – what’s better than to celebrate it in style during the next 12 months with showcases and parties all over the world? I will keep you posted…