The Secret Garden Party Theme 2016 announced
Our mission is to explore the world of Science Fiction and imagine a new garden out of the old. Using the inspiration of Arthur C Clarke, Azimov, Philip K Dick and Douglas Adams we are going to grow our imaginations from childish roots up into something more. But in selecting the protocols for this mission we looked back not forward.
In 1889 a convention of the ‘gentlemen of the road’ came up with, and ratified by vote, a version of the following. They called it the Hobo Code We’ve called it ‘The Gardeners Guide To The Galaxy.’
Here is the induction video trailer: http://on.fb.me/1P7nlv5
And for full mission protocols visit the new website launching today at 12:00: www.secretgardenparty.com
Easy Payment Plans…
The instalment scheme is now on sale; with even more options. To help those Gardeners, who prefer to spread the cost of their tickets, there are two types of instalment plans now available for adult tickets.
You can check all the details HERE….
Transport: Big Green Coach….
NEW FOR 2016!! COACH TRAVEL DEPOSIT SCHEME – pay just £10 now to secure coach travel. Coaches operated from 19 locations direct to the Official coach park destination. For full details click HERE:
SGP launches new game app ‘Ligger’ ….
Legend has it that the term Ligger was coined by the Big Hair Glam bands of the ’70s and ’80s, for persons who attend parties, concerts, and festivals with the sole intention of obtaining free food and drink. It originated from the fishing term for a ‘baited line’, and was later popularised by NME Magazine in the ’90s. Liggers know no boundaries; they’re black, white red, yellow, brown, rich, poor, male, female and everything in between.
You are a Ligger, as you swipe up, down, left, or right to avoid the maze of characters in the field. Move up the screen to find the bartender and get 2 beers, then return back to the start without spilling at least 1 beer, to level up.
Video 2015……
Finally, check out the SGP Official video 2015 by Clockwise Media: