Tim Enso – Everyday Life
The guys at Housepital Records have a long-standing reputation for picking up new talented artists that leave us wondering how they’ve not been scooped up sooner. Their start to the New Year is no different as they lift the lid on their latest recruit, Russian production live wire Tim Enso. ‘Everyday Life’ is his first outing on the highly rated label and it’s a feel good anthem that’s hit buttons needed to have us hyped up for the summer season. Subtly euphoric synth lines, smooth and cleanly produced drums and an audible attention to detail make this track a smooth listen that’s just as effective on the armchair as on the dance floor.
Tim Enso’s long and winding musical journey began no sooner than at six years old when he first set out to master the arts. Fast-forward to today and the talented musician is applying his trade with powerful results. With his focus now predominantly in electronic music, if this releases is just his first move, we’re looking forward to seeing this story evolve.
‘Everyday Life’ is out now at Beatport
Tim Enso Online
Housepital Records Online