Unknown Poets – Chucho (incl. Duss Remix)
New artist plus new label plus new release equals new sound? „Chucho” of freshly born Unknown Poets project sounds like it. What are your first thoughts when listening to the Original Mix? Isn’t it feeling like sunny, lazy Sunday morning? A street performer is sitting on a sidewalk, playing saxophone, collecting small change from random people passing by. Noone is in hurry.
Everybody seems to be hanging around without any particular reason, like drifting ships. Of course an idyll picture like this can’t lasts forever. The Polish duo on remix duties – Duss are here to destroy it. Just a second after they’ve stepped in with their sound, the sunny Sunday morning lost all the sunshine, people vanished and it’s not a Sunday anymore. Just a one nameless day. Clearly, guys from Duss breathe another dimension to the release which makes it nicely balanced package consisting of a laid back, lazy, after party oriented Original Mix and the remix intended for peak time usage at any good techno party.
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