60 Seconds With.. Paul Schmidpeter
The Ampispazi label has long fostered up-and-coming house and techno talent. Rather than take the more obvious approach and leach off someone else’s sound, the guys have an agenda that’s very much their own and one that definitely makes sense to fans of the label in particular. The latest in a long line of such individuals to leave their mark on the imprint is Paul Schmidpeter, an emerging German DJ and producer who’s just as happy creating deep, techy business as he is more melodic and harmonious fare. Indeed, these are the sounds that come to light on his latest release, the stunning intricacies that comprise the Lunacy EP. One quick listen to it, however, and you’ll soon realise that this guy is anything but a lunatic when it comes to pushing crafty electronic music. With the release set to drop any day soon, we decided to check in with the man himself for a quick natter…
What have been the highlights of your year so far?
The highlight of the year so far definitely is the release on Ampispazi Recordings!
What’s the best party you’ve ever played at and why?
There are always gigs that really get under your skin, when you just feel that everything is perfect and that the audience feels exactly the same. But naming a particular evening is quite hard, as I’ve had so many great parties so far.
What’s the one big tune you always reach for on special occasions?
My one big tune at the moment is “Love Over Entropy – Tonii (Dixon Retouch).” I think this track just has so many facets and spreads a really good mood.
What do you think makes a special party?
For me, it’s all about the atmosphere. When the atmosphere’s right, the party will be special. Of course this always depends on the audience and how they react to the music.
How would you define your DJ and production styles?
I really like to work with driving beats and melodies. And I guess you can hear that in my DJ sets, as well as in my productions.
Can you talk us through your EP on Ampispazi? What was the idea behind it?
My idea was to create a varied EP with lots of different features. And I guess it worked out really well on Ampispazi Recordings.
So did it end up as you’d hoped for? Were you going for a deep vibe from the start?
I think my concept has been realized pretty good and I have to say that I’m absolutely happy with the results!
Can you talk us through some of your recent productions and the vibe you were going for with them?
Some of my recent productions have been inspired by good parties. I like to capture those special moments and the mood to turn them into music at the studio.
So when you get in the studio, what do you start with when you’re making tracks? Do you just jam and see what happens or go in with an idea?
Actually both. Sometimes I have really clear ideas on which I work very hard, but there are also moments when I just start being creative without a specific plan.
What’s next on the agenda for you that you’re really excited about?
I’m really looking forward to the Sommerliebe Open Air in Nuremberg with acts like Mind Against or Sam Paganini. But I’m also quite excited about the upcoming open-air season, especially if the weather is fine.
Paul Schmidpeter’s Lunacy EP is out soon on the Ampispazi label