60 Seconds with… Supernova
Supernova are an Italian DJ and Producer duo from Italy whose sound is instantly recognisable and instantly hits a groove. With years in the industry they know how to produce a hit and their Lapsus label that they own is testament to that. Now with a track out on fellow Italian label Digital Traffik, we caught up with the guys to find out the secret to their success…
How are you, how was summer, what was good or what was bad about it?
Summer 2016 has been special. We are very excited when our things grow from year to year, the only bad thing has been staying away from our studios too long.
Do you get more music written in winter with less distractions? Does the music come out darker to match the weather?
To be honest we don't care about the seasons when we are in the studio. Mostly we are focus in our emotions and to keep the vibe of the moment and it happens that in the winter you're hankering for summer vibrations and sounds that bring you in fantastic places of your mind. Of course the winter can be more productive for music!
How has your sound evolved over the last ten years would you say?
Music is always on the move especially now days. Supernova also have been working on the evolution of their music throughout their career. Being a producer and a dj is like to be a surfer: every day of your life you are looking for the perfect wave.
Do you feel house music should have a social and political conscious? Should lyrics be meaningful and more than just “ooh baby” etc?
We believe that electronic music should excite not necessarily for the meaning of the lyrics or vocals. First of all freedom, dancing and good vibes are the real inputs the house and electronic music have to give.
Tell us about your new Digital Traffik release – how did you link with the label and what is it like working with them?
We have released on Digital Traffik “Light Up” on vinyl first some weeks ago and digital in a few days. We have been in contact with Jimi from Digital Traffic through one of our booking agent, Alex Henning. They proposed us to do a release on vinyl and we thought this track would have been a good choice. It got a lot of good feedbacks and support from big names, so we are quite happy with it.
What inspired the track itself? Where and when was it written?
We had first draft of the track almost one year ago, but it was quite different. We were loving the looped latin flavored dark bass line and we’ve tried to build something solid around it.
Do you know how tracks will sound in your head before you start or is it more about experimenting until you find something you like?
Sometimes we have an idea in mind or a sample that inspire us and we start playing with it, while other times we start working on something and while working on it, we change everything going back to a new flow and at the end comes out a totally brand new idea that we love more then the first one 🙂
How important is the gear? Do you have a studio full of stuff? Hardware or software or?
Gear are important of course especially for the final process of a track. We have a lot of hardware in our studios (we like to use more hardware synth then software), but to be honest, if there is no ideas in a track…there is no chance it can be a good one thanks to your gear. First comes the music and ideas, then the gear.
What else have you got coming up/are you working on? Any new releases or projects?
We have just released a track called “Don’t Stop” on our label Lapsus Music – Ade Sampler and we are about to release a remix of Luna City Express “Olympic Horse” on lapsus as well. In November we are going to release a collaboration with Chus & Ceballos. December will see us releasing on Stereo Productions BPM sampler while we have just signed an EP with Elrow Music due for February. More and more music is coming out from the studio lately, so we are going to have some news very soon.
What is your ideal party and where – what guests, what setting, what set time?
To party it means to be free, so without rules, outside the box. The ideal party has no races, no gender or sexual preferences, has no musical genres or age differences. The perfect party needs love and respect for music and for those who are enjoying with you. That's it!
Supernova’s track ‘Light Up’ is out on Digital Traffic now.