60 Seconds with… Visionkids
Visionkids are a Zurich based duo whose roots come from Greece and South Africa. Their recent release ‘Grounding Light' on Digital Traffik received awesome feedback from all concerned and leads to a promising future in the studio. We caught up with the guys recently to find out how they met, their musical roots, and how their relationship came to be on Digital Traffik…
Hey Visionkids, we appreciate you sitting down with us a for a chat! How have you two been getting on recently, and what have you been up to?
Hi, really nice to meet you. We have been great thank you. We have been mostly in the studio for the last few months preparing for the Grounding Light Release. Summer is also with us, so there is no early nights (laughing).
So your latest EP Grounding Light is forthcoming on Digital Traffik can you tell us how the relationship with the label came about?
We were introduced to Audiohell from Digital Traffik by Pete Downes. It happened quite quickly but we are very happy with the outcome. We really are looking forward to our ,future releases with the label.
What was the production process behind the EP, how do you guys work together in the studio?
Yes, we work mostly together. I love to work with Ableton, where as Jason is more comfortable to work with Logic, so we have 2 setups in the studio, so our flow of productions keeps moving, thats important for us.
Now Jason, you have remixed one of the tracks from the EP, was this always intentional or did it happen naturally?
I know sometimes with producers they get very caught up in the production process of a track they sometimes end up creating a dub/remix version. It happened naturally actually. I wanted to bring out the more deeper and emotional side of the track in this remix.
Tell us more bout your studio, what is your set up like, Do you have any signature hardware or plugins you use regularly?
We both have set ups in the studio one for Logic and the other for Ableton. We mainly work with soft synths e.g. U-HE Diva, Hive, ACE . We also use Soundtoys, theyʼre just amazing. We also have a Virus TI. On our new Ep we used Korgʼs Monologue. We really love this little machine.
So youʼre both from Zurich, Switzerland. When I think of Switzerland I imagine Snowy mountains, Skiing and Rodger Federer… What is the music scene like over there? Do you feel it helped you both?
You forgot Chocolate ..(laughing) ! Well Dimi is originally from Greece and I am from South Africa, its an entertaining mix I have to admit (laughing). Well the music scene in our city is definitely a strong one. Zurich is right in the middle of Europe, so the music influence is very diverse. I have to say there really are some fantastic Swiss producers here. It pushes you to learn more…work harder…and not stand still. We really are loving this city.
If you both had to choose between DJing or producing for the rest of your life, what would you go for?
This is not an easy question. Weʼve both been Djing for a long time, 25 years separately. The studio side of it, is well needed for our creative side. Since we started working together, its been a lot easier to express our sounds moire freely. I guess for us, we need both because they go hand in hand for us.
If you could collaborate with any artist on a musical project who would it be and why?
We would love to work together with Francesca Lombardo. We have always loved her tough yet emotional sounds. I think sheʼs a very talented producer. Our sounds are not as progressive as hers but we have that same emotional drive which lays on top of the bass drive which takes you right where you want to go.
Now youʼve both played in some great places across the globe, what has been your most memorable so far and what place would you both like to add to your bucket list?
They where many moments. And every moment was unique and special. Because of the people …and/or the location….. But last december weʼve been in South Africa…THAT was an experience. It was our first time playing together in South Africa, so we really soaked in the nightlife. The crowds were amazing. We will defiantly be back next year, but this time for Africa Burn.
Besides the music, what do you guys get up to in your spare time?
Dimitri: Music takes a big part of my spare time. Also have my son which need attention …
Jason: Well as we said, summer is her..so as a South African Im feeling like I have to soak up every minute of the sun (laughing). Other than that Im mostly in the studio.
Thanks for chatting to us guys 🙂
Buy latest track – https://www.beatport.com/release/grounding-light/2082061