60 Seconds with… Volac
Volac is a Russian DJ and Production duo who like to stand out from the crowd. They produce music with deep powerful bass-lines and energetic groove which is loved by clubbers worldwide, and their artwork and cartoon comic personas show that their talents are not just solely focussed to music. Now with a recent release just dropped on French hard-hitting imprint CUFF, we caught 15 with the guys to find out about the release, and a little more about the guys behind the cartoons…
How did you guys first meet, when did you start working together?
We have known each other for 20 years and started making music together 10 years ago.
Why does it work? Do you have similar tastes and skills, or are you quite different?
Each of us has his own view and we make a perfect combination of it. We can always find a compromise.
How did you hook up with CUFF – did you contact them or did they get in touch and ask for music?
This is our 4th release on CUFF. We just sent some demo tracks to mail and after 2 weeks we received message from Amine Edge: «I want to sign for CUFF»! 🙂
Did you write something that suited the label or did you just do your usual thing?
We have tried to make tracks in the labels style but it doesn’t work for us anymore. Personally the best thing that works for us is to create something that we love and feel and see who it works for.
Whats is that usual thing? Do you have aims when you make a tune, are you trying to go for a certain styles?
It happens spontaneously, an idea comes to my mind and we make it from there.
Tell us about the Uzi EP and what inspired it, where and when you write it and so on?
We watched a funny interview of some gangsters on TV. Then we decided to cut some phrases from the interview and use them for the beginning of our tracks. ‘Turn My Music’ was created about 18months ago when we lived in Saint Petersburg with our homie Yara93. The ‘Uzi’ track was made in Moscow about 8-10 months ago. Both of these tracks complimented each other.
How did you link with Yara93? What makes you want to work with that person?
Yara93 is our childhood friend. He came to us with the good idea and we decided to make a track together.
Why write a track about guns – should we all be armed or not?
We really love the «UZI». It’s an amazing and pretty gun. Keep your gun loaded, and be ready to shoot.
How did you do it, was it a studio or internet collaboration?
Yep, It was in our home studio!
What else have you got coming up/are you working on/are you looking forward to?
In the beginning of November we are going to start a remix contest for our banger with Illusionize «In A Club». At the end of November we are going to release our next EP on «Night Bass», the label of AC Slater. It will be our second EP there. This EP will include 3 amazing and different tracks. I think that everyone will find something cool for themselves
Volac’s ‘Uzi’ Ep is out now on CUFF
Grab it here – https://www.beatport.com/release/uzi-ep/1849761