ANEVO – Walter White
It takes only one listen to Anevo’s upcoming release, “Walter White” on Kryder’s new imprint, Sosumi Records, to realize how talented this young producer truly is. Though, I did listen a second (and third and fourth and fifth) time with my laptop plugged into my newly purchased Dynaudio studio speakers. Sit back about five feet to get the full effect.
This tune is MASSIVE. It feels like a freight train was blasting through my apartment. Right from the start, Anevo teases with tribal-esque drum programming, hinting to what is about to be unleashed with a hard electro stab and perfectly swung tops. A quick little drop and Anevo starts a melodic and masterful, lead driven build that pays tribute to some of the best trance builds since 2000.
In his Heisenberg Edit, Kryder uses the iconic “one who knocks ” speech from Breaking Bad, as well as a serious ensemble of ridiculous beats, before hitting the huge drop. “Who are you talking to right now?’ lays the vocal ground work as Walter White of “Breaking Bad” does some intimidating explaining, all the while, Anevo builds the synth line lead to a prolific release of dance floor mayhem. Anevo finishes “Walter White” as all producers should finish a tune, leaving the dance floor screaming for more.
For more info about Sosumi Records (the world’s first free dance music label) visit the Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/sosumirecords