
Athlete Whippet & Olugbenga (of Metronomy) today unveil their debut EP Touch. Featuring previously unheard single Where You Been which premiered yesterday on Clash and was featured today on Spotify New Music Friday U.K.This follows their debut collaborative singles All At Once and Be Reborn, tracks lauded by Jack Saunders, Tom Ravenscroft and Jamz Supernova as well as Dork and...

CruCast, the UK’s biggest new bass music label, has announced a four-date UK spring tour in 2020, following the brand’s sold-out Printworks show. The CruCast dates will bestaged at large venues in Manchester, Leeds, Oxford and Southampton and follow up this autumn’s sold out indoor festival tour, taking in...

One of the most iconic free events on the annual music calendar The Ultimate Seminar took place on 23rd November at University of Westminster. With previous speakers including Stormzy, Mabel, JP Cooper, Naughty Boy, U.S Island Records President Darcus Beese, Virgin EMI President Ted Cockle...

Stuttgart local Johannes Brecht has been a regular on Poker Flat Recordings for a few years, and has also released tracks on labels such as Hamburg’s Diynamic Music. Here, he returns to Steve Bug’s iconic label with EAR - two tracks of slick, powerful Minimal...