
Deezer, the global music streaming service, is releasing Season Two of its Originals podcast TRAILBLAZERS. The series honours famous artists, DJs and creators who inspired and established a unique genre by transforming electronic music from underground subculture to a multi-million pound industry. In its first series, the...

CELEBRATED disco brand comes to Manchester for its inaugural party in December. Saturday 1 December 2018 will see the long-awaited Manchester debut of disco brand, Gin & Disco, who will be taking over the newly launched Brickworks (Barton Arcade, 48 Barton Square, Manchester, M3 2BH) for...

Dutch DJ/producer LVNDSCAPE has a reputation to uphold when it comes to delivering fresh, innovative records. Following several hit productions, including this year's massively supported Sam Feldt collab 'Know You Better', he now ends the year on another high, releasing the enchanting pop tune 'Apologize',...