
On February 17, Chaim emerges on the Jeudi Records stage with his new, harmonious 5-track EP, "Safe Word." A true stand-out artist in today's saturated electronic scene, Chaim is best known for his hard-hitting tracks on BPitch Control, as well as his energetic collaborations with...

Rick Wade‘s name has transmitted far and wide from his Detroit home base, garnering heaps of global acclaim for his prolific, high quality output and mercilessly deep and underground DJ sets. In 1998 Rick graced the Viva Recordings catalog with The Harmonie Project EP, a...

Tipped for big things in 2017 by the likes of Annie Mac and DJ Target, Ten Ven is the UK house producer behind recent groove-heavy party vibes on labels including Greco-Roman, Noir, Partyfine, MTA, Weapons and Shadow Child’s Food imprint. The heavy, hypnotic funk of ‘Turn...