
Mexican DJ and producer Jeremy Bass has rapidly become one of his country’s leading producers thanks to his highly sought after studio talents. Tasked with officially remixing heavyweights including: Antoine Clamaran, Ron Carroll, Robbie Rivera, Eddie Amador and MC Flipside and releasing on leading labels...

GAWVI, a name that is instantly recognisable to many within the world of hip-hop, marks a change in his musical career with the release of a dance-infused cut, ‘Late Nights’ – out now via Reach Records. Under the tutelage of Rodney Jerkins and Pharrell, GAWVI rose...

he Parallel Label has long been a leader in the tech house world, and now they continue to keep dancers and DJs in top tackle with their next release. This one comes from Artbat and features two more standout cuts, whilst a fine remix from...