
Exploris returns with an exciting and provocative second release, as the young label introduces an intriguing new pairing of minds. Set for vinyl release on 26th January and digital February 9th, this unrelenting 3-part EP ‘The Hunt’ comes from the raw, dark energy of Mountainking. Mountainking...

Driving into the New Year, Honeypot deliver big with their 2015 debut on Big Fish. Drawing influences from electro roots, this driving two-part release attacks the heavier side of house. Destroying dance floors at the first drop, welcome Wallbreaker.Lead track Wallbreaker sports and anthemic build...

Over the past six months, Guy J’s Lost & Found label has released a series of distinctly exceptional releases from Juan Deminicis (Found02), Yunus Güvenen (LF014), Sahar Z & Chicola (LF015), Brian Cid (LF016), and not forgetting… “Time” (LF017), the critically acclaimed, Beatport No.1 album...

Having hinted at a change in direction at the start of 2014 with the release of ‘Fahrenheit 32,’ a soundcloud-only offering, Digitalism finally showcased their new creative vision with ‘Wolves’ featuring Youngblood Hawke, back in July. The marriage of their own trademark electronic sound with...