Secrets - De$ignated Refit


Secrets - De$ignated Refit

Earlier this month, London-based Byron Biroli opened up about his personal drug addiction in latest offering 'Secrets'. Following support from the likes of Complex UK, Biroli can now reveal the DE$IGNATED Refit of the track.

With the original taking Biroli's raw, honest lyrics and binding them around an upbeat electronic soundscape – DE$IGNATED turn up the tempo for their take on the record. Sonically, the track addresses Byron's Ugandan heritage and falls under the new iteration of the soul genre that he terms Noir Wave. On the other hand, the refit focuses primarily on the tracks experimental boundaries – filled with electronic quirks throughout.

Speaking about the release, Biroli says "Secrets is a conversation with partner about my drug addiction. 'Some things I can’t hide, you will find. Secrets I won’t deny.’ It’s about opening up to someone for the first time. The lyrics in the chorus are a direct quote from Tom Waits about sobriety. He described sobriety as ‘feeling like taking a rock of a garden hose’."

"Musically, I’ve always been interested in indie bands who contrast serious messages with bright sounding music, or vice versa. Artists like The Cure, songs like Gigantic by the Pixies are a couple of examples."

Byron’s influences and music live in a resurgent lane of western musicians exploring global music: Tune Yards, Petite Noir, Vampire Weekend.