Dr.Nojoke’s 5 favourite places to play
Dr.Nojoke (Destroy All Monsters, Clikno) talks us through his top 5 places to DJ, from illegal raves to Berlin to Wales. Dr.Nojoke’s latest release Mental Health Hotline is out now on Destroy All Monsters. Check out more from Dr.Nojoke here.
1/ Illegal Parties
I really love it to play at small illegal clubs and parties.
I like the intimacy, the direct contact to the people.
The improvised set-ups are challenging sometimes, but it reminds me to the spirit of the old days.
It ́s not about the money, but very passionate.
Here is a very rough impression from somebody I don ́t know, climbing up the stairs and then catching me playing at one of those about 11 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qn_fFsj6tlM&list=PLCE5FE1B3703261FC
2/ Freerotation Festival, Wales
Freero is a festival, that comes very close to the idea described in 1/.
I played there six times already and saw how it all began.
The vibe is set on 'family' and everybody is celebrating life and partying as much as possible in a good way.
Staying there for three days lets you believe in peace and love and a better world again. Thanks to Suzybee and Steevio and all through the Welsh guys. https://www.freerotation.com
Here is a dark video of the final minutes of my performance in 2010. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypyBaFbc0w4
3/ Waha Festival, Romania
Waha is located in a rural and remote area in the beautiful Transylvanian mountains in Romania.
You are put right into nature: there are no fences, cows and horses are around, there is a small water spring down in the valley, etc.
The vibe there is extremely peaceful, people are reflected and chilled minds.
Waha and Freero both just make you happy.
I got invited there the first time when they started the Deep Stage, which is dominated from Romanian and minimal, groovy and deep techno. The organisers Tudor and Monica are also very lovely people and became friends quickly.
My set I played there in 2015 was put out via the Romanian podcast Diminutive. Thanks to Stef Decat. https://soundcloud.com/diminutive_ro/diminutive-podcast-drnojoke-live?in=dr-nojoke/sets/dr- nojoke-podcasts
4/ Batofar, Paris
The craziest performance I ever had happened at Le Batofar in Paris some years ago. People went so fucking mad, which pushed me to go even further than usual. Sometimes you can hear the audience screaming (picked up through my microphone) https://soundcloud.com/dr-nojoke/dr-nojoke-live-le-batofar?in=dr-nojoke/sets/dr-nojoke- podcasts
5/ Griessmühle Silo Floor, Berlin
In Berlin I’ve played a couple of times on the silo floor at Griessmühle.
It ́s like a very small Berghain, perfect for Techno.
I mean the silos up in the room reflect the higher frequencies, but are in sync with the music between 120bpm and 124bpm. So you can play with it.J
The Griessmühle has also a wonderful outdoor area squeezed in right between the city train and a channel.