Five years of Five Points
The Five Points Brewing Co, an independent craft brewery in the heart of Hackney will celebrate its fifth anniversary of business on April 21, 2018. For more information via Fivepointsbrewing.co.uk
The Five Points have come along way since their humble beginnings in 2013 with 2018 set to be their biggest one yet.
Five years on, the brewery produces over two million pints of beer annually, each one bursting with flavour and aroma. The Five Points was the first brewery in the UK to be an accredited Living Wage employer, and continues to play an integral part in giving back to the local Hackney community. Having just recently launched a crowdfunding campaign to treble capacity, the birthday marks and celebrates five years of brewing in the heart of Hackney.
The Five Years of Five Points birthday party, on April 21st, is a celebration of all that and more, and will be a chance for everyone to experience what Five Points is all about – craft beer brewed in Hackney – and lots of it! The brewery are teaming up with five acclaimed breweries from across the UK and Ireland, from industry stalwarts Thornbridge and new wave brewers such as Lost & Grounded and Yellowbelly, to cutting edge innovators like Somerset’s Wild Beer Co and Leeds based Northern Monk. Partygoers will be able to try all five of the unique collaboration beers at the event.
The party will run from 1pm until 8pm, with tickets including a half pint of each of the five beers and a commemorative glass. Oli Babas and Capish? who will serve a selection of delicious dishes, washed down with banging tunes from resident Five Points DJs. Afterparty beers (and pentagon pizzas for those still peckish!) at The Pembury Tavern, Five Points’ new brewery tap directly opposite the brewery.
The Five Points Brewing Company is incredibly grateful for the support of the local community over the past five years. The fifth birthday party will highlight this close relationship between the brewery and the local community and will be calling upon everyone to join in on the celebration. As part of the crowdfunding campaign The Five Points – plan to treble current capacity at their Hackney site, invest in growing their team, and restoring the iconic Pembury Tavern to become the first Five Points taproom.
Ed Mason, Co-Founder and Managing Director of The Five Points Brewing Company said, “We are a company that is successful and profitable without taking ourselves too seriously. Work days can be long and hard, but knowing there is a great group of people here to help makes all the difference. Our staff have really made Five Points what it is today and even more so the local community for all their help and support.”
Saturday 21st April
1pm – 8pm
The Five Points Brewing Company, 3 Institute Place,
E8 1JE