Dinkis, Michele Anullo - In Another Heart
Dinkis presents his first EP in cooperation with Michele Anullo. Catalogue number 50 is both a landmark for Wout Records as well as Dinkis and Michele Anullo. This 4 track EP shows a variety of great sounding arpeggiators, bright never-ending pads, deep basses and strongly defined drums, situated in the field of melodic techno. It is definitely the most emotional release on Wout Records so far.
There are only a few things which experience “Eternal Life”; music compositions and art are two of them. This really varied track is devoted to the cover art that we see and the music that we feel. “In Another Heart” developed from an inner need to live in another body, soul and heart. Following this way, you will reach a state of fearlessness and inner strength. “The Great Etna” emphasizes the direct connection between Dinkis and his daily environment in the sun-filled Sicily. Grown up on the flanks of the huge stratovolcano, Dinkis is always fascinated and scared about the kindness and power of the Etna. You can clearly hear his enthusiasm about the Etna out of the track. “Acqua” is a perfect soundtrack for our essential commodity; it sounds pure, fresh, cold and clean as H2O. Its melody pattern are constantly dropping into the auditory sensation area. This great EP is hopefully not the last cooperation of these both talented musicians.