INTERVIEW: Nathassia
Welcome to IhouseU, Nathassia! We hope to find you well, can you tell us a little bit about what you’ve been up to?
Strangely I’ve been busier than ever during lockdown which is something I would’ve never believed! On the live stream side I had the advantage of streaming to my fans around the world for the last couple of years. I managed to relocate my tv studio to my house and have been having great fun live streaming weekly from my boudoir. I also decided to launch my first podcast NATHASSIA’S Goddess Is A DJ (https://nathassia.podlink.to/goddessisadj) and spent many hours building a Goddess DJ booth in my boudoir! This gave me the courage to perform my first live DJ set to about 10,000 fans!
Digging the upfront vibe across the Pink Panda remix of ‘Contagious‘, is this the first time you’ve worked with them & how did the collaboration come about?
Yes it’s the first time I have worked with them and they were introduced to me by Eddie Gordon (CEO Kings of Spins, ex A&R at Atlantic). He has always been a great fan and part-time mentor, supporting me from the beginning of my career.
The mix has recently been supported by Blasterjaxx, big achievement! Can you share any advice with other artists, on how best to get their music heard in these changing times?
Thanks I love them so I was super excited about it myself too! It’s important for any music artist to build a network with as many promotors and platforms as possible, for example PP or Repost Exchange by whom I was recently interviewed.
Following on, with everything that’s happening in the world right now – has it affected the way you work / approach things?
I think we’ve all realised how the internet has become so vital in our lives. For the last few weeks I have been finding more ways to connect & engage with my fans by bringing them into my home, which is far more intimate and personal, but I decided against streaming from my toilet like Don Diablo!!! (Although it was funny!)
Which moment or factor led you to dance music and what’s your favourite part about being an artist & musician?
I can’t remember a specific moment because it feels like EDM has always been in my blood, maybe because I’m Dutch! My favourite part is being able to connect emotionally with so many lovely people all around the world through my music.
What has been your biggest career achievement so far?
One of the most exciting achievements was when I was invited to perform live on Dutch national Radio/TV station 3FM (similar to Radio1/BBC1 in the UK) for the first time.
And finally, looking at the remainder of 2020 – what’s next in the pipeline for Nathassia & do you have any specific goals?
I have a few priority releases coming out in the next few weeks and months but I am very excited about the D3FAI & NATHASSIA collaboration ‘Change The World’ and we will get to perform it live at Lollapalooza.
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