JP Lantieri presents ‘Pinot Grigio’ with remixes by Stan Kolev, Not Demure and Dilee D
The fifth addition to JP Lantieri’s impressive wine cellar, Pinot Grigio brings forth the harmonic sound of the classical era and is offered here alongside expressive remixes by Stan Kolev, Not Demure and Dilee D.
Released exclusively on Beatport on JP’s birthday, that’s 25th August, followed by the general release on 8th September 2019.
JP Lantieri: http://www.jplantieri.com
Stan Kolev: http://www.stankolev.net
Dilee D: https://soundcloud.com/dileedofficial
Not Demure: https://soundcloud.com/notdemure
Flemcy Music: http://flemcymusic.com