Kane Comfort releases new EP ‘Lotus’
Kane Comfort proves his musical skills with a new EP entitled ‘Lotus’, The Nashville, Tennessee artist captures our attention with each project release. Lotus is also a song featured on the EP. Kane Comfort plunges in with mellow irresistible vocals and raw, echoed backing vocals to transcend Kane Comfort’s harmonious sound.
The heart-palpitating instrumental feels dream-like, interwoven with subtle bass and guitar. Kane Comfort aimed to create a symbolic form of encouragement with Lotus. “Lotus” sheds light on the similarities between the Lotus flower and the human condition. The Lotus flower has its roots grounded in the mud, rises up through the water, and blossoms into one of the most beautiful flowers. Much like the mud that the lotus comes from. We, as people, all experience pain and without that pain, we can’t appreciate the good times. This song is special not only in my own life, but it also represents something I wanted to say to people, encourage them, and show them that, like the Lotus flower we can all rise up out of our pain and hardship together.
Be sure to check out Lotus for the perfect fusion of Pop, Hip Hop and R&B.