Metropolitan Soul Museum - Klosur EP
Next up on Swedish stalwarts Trunkfunk is a 4-track EP from Toy Tonics and Normals Welcome affiliates Metropolitan Soul Museum. Hailing from London, the duo are garnering interest behind their live performances and the tight grip they have on their studio gear. Previous productions have deftly struck balance between a powerful, analogue aesthetic and a rich sense of soul and their latest ‘Klosur’ EP is no different.
‘Erika Bazooka’ kicks things off with snapping 808 snares that whip through a tumbling, polyrhythmic groove. Interlocking layers of melody and computer FX are subtly modulated throughout before ‘Klosur’ then follows up with some live instrumentation.
Piano keys, organic drums and mournful melodies sit atop a stormy sub bass in a track that recalls early Ruckspin productions before ‘Ocean’ then builds a groove around neat, swinging hats, a bubbling bass line and roving synth tones. Filters open out as melodies snowball across a long breakdown that gives way to a Floating Points-esque crescendo.
‘OW03’ then closes things up with a free-sounding studio jam; interchanging percussion steadily builds momentum alongside synth-swapping chords and acid lines that bring a varied collection to a close and wrap up another fine addition to a label with over 15 years experience in the game.