Zacharias Tiempo - Knock & 909


Zacharias Tiempo - Knock & 909

Dear Deer Records turn their attention to Zacharias Tiempo for their next offering. The artist serves up two originals and then top class remixers Peter Dundov, dubspeeka and Gabriel Moraes all add their own spin. 

Knock is first out of the blocks and is a heavyweight, pumping techno tune with rock solid kicks. It’s dark and atmospheric and perfect for warehouses. Croatia’s finest techno talent Peter Dundov then sprinkles in some spine tingling synths and makes his version more zoned out and musical. Brazilian dubspeeka then makes his remix a high pressure affair with brave synth strokes that is devoid of humanness and tense throughout. Last of all on the remixes, Gabriel Moraes gets nimble and progressive with his chord laced and uplifting version of the original. Closing out the EP is 909 from Tiempo. It’s a deep and elastic track with a frazzled lead synth and freaky little hooks all bringing plenty of looseness to the table.

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