Secret Garden Party News – Initial Line up announced, new look website and more..
Well there’s none of Shirley’s humbug in the Secret Garden HQ; what’s not to like about a season that centres around gathering your loved ones, drinking and giving? And so in that spirit here is some news concerning exactly those things….
Initial Line Up announced……
It gives us great pleasure to announce the initial line up of artists for Secret Garden Party 2014. It includes a welcome return to some Party favourites such as Little Dragon, Martha Reeves and Morcheeba, and several hotly-tipped newcomers like Southern and Honeyblood. All for your musical pleasure…..
Little Dragon – Fat Freddy’s Drop
Martha Reeves and the Vandellas – Deap Vally – Morcheeba – Jagwar Ma – Clean Bandit
Max Raabe and Palast Orchestra (as previously announced) – Fat White Family – Dub Pistols – Southern – Champs – Honeyblood – The Correspondents – Bat and Ball – MT
and many many more coming soon…
New Look Website launches today….
Secret Garden Party is also thrilled to announce our shiny new website goes live today www.secretgardenparty.com as designed by newly appointed, Stuart Patience, a young and talented illustrator whose devil is in the detail. Beloved Pete Loveday, who has furnished the artwork for the last 10 years is embarking on a semi-retirement; semi in that although he will no longer be involved in the posters or website, he will pop up with random little offerings … A full ‘retrospective’ of his work will be on exhibition in the Living Room this summer.
The new look website is much easier to navigate with the mobile version launching after Christmas. As the weeks and months roll closer to the party, keep checking for news and info updates and there’s sure to be a few other surprises….
Boutique Camping now on sale…..
For those who desire a tranquil haven of luxury and convenience Boutique Camping will be on sale from today. http://store.secretgardenparty.com
An oasis of upper class values; Boutique offers you your own gate direct into the party, a private car park, busboys with barrows, and waiters and butlers to await your command.
With all of the exclusive and premium services you have grown to expect you will also find dedicated therapists to pamper you in every way; and, as if that weren’t enough, we are proud to announce that London’s premium cocktail bar, Quo Vadis, will be setting up shop in the middle of Boutique to ensure all you libations are legendary.
Applications for funding for Action Camps and Participation now open…
The Action Camps are the lifeblood of Secret Garden Party. A record number of applications were received in 2013. Action Camps can include: workshops for teaching, tents for talks, craft spaces, poetry corners, karaoke dens or something quite quite different. From penguin detective agencies to carving your own gravestone – we’ve had it all and said yes! So twist your creative noggins together and bring us what we’re missing; your ideas.
If you’d like to apply click here: http://www.secretgardenparty.com/2014/forms/SGP_Participation_2014.pdf
Head Gardener’s Mix Tape and CALM appeal….
And lastly, we have this month’s instalment of The Head Gardener’s mix (tape); this year avoiding all obvious Xmas theming as we ask you all to think of friends who are going through tough times right now. We all know it came be a rough season for those who feel alone, and it’s up to all of us to ensure they realise they aren’t. So with that in mind we have included a link to donate to CALM, who do vital work in raising awareness of, and battling depression amongst young and old.
If you have the time and inclination please to follow the link below to help CALM continue their vital work. Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 30 (far exceeding car accidents or the like) and CALM help all people who find themselves suffering the black dog…
And so it is with fervent wishes for peace on earth we wish you all very merry Christmas.