Snowbombing announces fancy dress theme…
Ever seen 6,000 people all dressed in Lederhosen and Tyrolean hats with gigantic moustaches? Well, here’s your chance… Taking Mayrhofen back to its roots, this year’s Street Party has been given the theme of ‘Leder-Ho Down!’
As the flood of fancy dress continues, 2014 will see the Europahaus transformed into a Space Odyssey. Making the most of the three storey Europahaus, Snowbombing have acquired a helping hand from their friends at Secret Productions who will turn the venue into a wondrous fantasy land. The out of this world venue will play host to some of the hottest parties Mayrhofen has ever seen, so strap your moon-boots on and get involved.
The line-up for the Backcountry Parties have also been revealed… the most surreal parties that take place at Snowbombing. This year the Tristenbachalm, a 300 year old barn in the forgotten valley 5km from Mayrhofen, will play host to two unbelievable parties.
If you’ve been to Snowbombing before, or indeed know someone that has, you will know about the legend of Austrian Filter House. A musical movement inspired by the magic of the mountains and executed by two mysterious characters in lederhosen, the notorious native Tyrolean’s Arnold Schnitzelfinger and Hurtzall Zebeats. It was invented over 15 years ago amongst the unique energy and spirit found only in the Zillertal mountains, the home of Snowbombing. On Monday 7th April, for the first time in Austrian history, they will be occupying the Backcountry party and bringing their ‘beatz’ with them. Snowbombers will get a free special AFH lederhosen t-shirt on attending. Huzzah!
Wednesday 9th April will be the time to don that leotard and the finest sweatbands money can buy. The Backcountry Party presents ‘FLEX’. Lets get physical! A night of 80’s disco brought to you by We Love… residents PBR Streetgang.
As if all that isn’t enough to get you into gear, the one and only ‘lord of the leotard’ Mr. Motivator is back to help you warm down after an energetic day on the slopes. He’ll be on hand to tone bombers into chiselled perfection whilst dispatching lifestyle tips.
Following hosting of TV hit show ‘Jump’, Eddie the Eagle will be back where he belongs, at Snowbombing! Eddie will be giving tips on the slopes and will also do a Q&A on Wednesday. A competition to win lessons with Eddie will be live soon and available to all ticket holders. Keep an eye on www.snowbombing.com for details.
It is also the last chance saloon to snap up beds in the centre of Mayrhofen. The event is days from selling out completely, so grab them quick here: http://bit.ly/1hQuP2f
Snowbombing runs from 7th-12th April 2014. Prices start at £219 for accommodation and all the entertainment.
Days are spent on the slopes enjoying music on mountain top stages or relaxing in the spa of a 5* Hotel and nights deliver cutting edge performances from world class acts in unique venues.
So don’t be shy, secure your place at the World’s greatest show on snow.