Tagteam Terror – Feel More / Revenge
Tagteam Terror’s latest release titled “Feel More” brings refreshing soul food to the table of electronic dance music. This progressive dish is seasoned with reminiscent elements, cooked to perfection and made for you to enjoy!
The Dortmund duo’s entrée of the same name starts us off with a rich bassline topped off with clean drums and a flawless vocal sample, resulting in a highly danceable feel-good anthem.
On their next piece TTT are out for “Revenge”. This track provides us with an interestingly dark contrast to its predecessor, utilizing gloomy instrumentation and thoroughly chopped chords. Rest assured, that no prisoners were taken on this one.
Edinburgh’s finest, Go Go Bizkitt! steps in for his take on “Feel More”. The sped up vocal loop is followed by a synth based drop containing a major ‘Day N Nite’ throwback melody – lonely stoners unite!
Demon adds a touch of airiness to this project: His interpretation of “Revenge” is packed with dreamy components and sounds resembling a soaring spaceship.
Stereofunk goes rice crispy on his conclusion of this short player. Funked up vocal bits and a thick kick drum are accompanied by the occasional snap, crackle and pop.