The Era of Online Shopping and Promos
The growth of online shopping has forced all retailers to provide an ecommerce outlet for their brands. This leads to an incredible amount of competition in the marketing space. Tо attract more аnd mоrе consumers and іnсrеаѕе thеіr ѕаlеѕ, оnlіnе merchants or rеtаіlеrѕ оffеr promotional codes which serve many purposes.
One of the biggest reasons merchants offer these juicy discounts is to increase brand awareness. It helps merchants promote on various social media outlets and gives their affiliates incentive to promote their products. Examples of affiliates could be your larger companies like Groupon, or the more niche coupon sites like CouponGrind that focus on smaller underground merchants. Another big reason online merchants are offering coupons more and more is because they have to. They have to stay competitive and we’re approaching an era where consumers expect to have these discounts when they shop.
If you’re an online shopper and don’t use coupons there are a few ways you can find them. Today a simple Google search of the merchant+coupon keywords should help you find what you’re looking for. Another way is by following your favorite merchants on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to get first hand notification of when these offers are live. You can bookmark a site like CouponGrind and signup for their mailing list, you’ll then receive the latest codes from your favorite merchants. You can check for the promo code box at checkout to see if your merchant even offers them. Remember, you don’t have to pay for access to these codes! They’re all free