Romaan - Voicemail
Romaan’s latest track ‘Voicemail’ has a classic Deep House funky groove that is bursting at the seams with Soul. The track features a talking vocal sample that matches the beat perfectly, drawing the listener in. The use of intricate piano solos and ‘real’ instrumentation sounds give a refreshing take on House music.
Romaan got into music in his early teens, with a passion for House music and Techno. After few years as a producer Romaan start to express himself as a DJ back in 2005 and since then has and played parties across his France. His passion for music has recently brought him to England where he has secured a residency with the prestigious high-end restaurant and bar group named COYA.
Romaan’s music has seen him gain over 50,000 plays with tracks such as ‘Groovin’’, ‘Sumbatra’, and ‘Snub’ and with ‘Voicemail’ already gaining attention and being supported by DJs across the House scene, this production is set to be a huge hit.
‘Voicemail’ is out now on Prizm Records, you can listen to and purchase Romaan’s latest tune on the links below.
Purchase ‘Voicemail’
Romaan Online
Prizm Records Online