Watch Spor behind the scenes at his London show


Watch Spor behind the scenes at his London show

Spor returns this year with a debut album released through his own label Sotto Voce through BitTorrent where you can pay what you want or nothing at all here –

Watch his live video from the Nest in London here:

“DJ’ing as Spor brings around a lot of nostalgia for me, it’s a feeling that reaches all the way back to my childhood. It’s not all positive, it’s angst and fear, risk as well”, he explains. “I played my first ever DJ show at sorely missed ‘The End’ in London (thank you Renegade Hardware) and I look forward to feeling the vibe places like that held, the claustrophobia, the great sound and educated, intense audiences. It was always a release for everyone”
— Jon Gooch