
Denver DJ DMVU has just released “Anotha Potion” on Circus Records. Following up his inimitable Moon Man EP last year, he has since toured non-stop across the US crushing it show to show, proving his calibre as a top tier talent. His wonky sounds have attracted...

Kristin Velvet returns to her Arms & Legs imprint to release two timeless cuts entitled ‘Friday the 12th’ EP including two techno remixes from Swedish legend and H-Productions founder Cari Lekebusch. Berlin-based Australian, Kristin Velvet has been helming Daniel Steinberg and Nils Ohrmann’s Arms & Legs...

Italian talent Ruff Stuff heads to Madhouse Records this April to reveal his impressive three track EP ‘Dopamine Burner’. Italian born, Berlin based DJ/producer and vinyl enthusiast Gianfranco ‘Nanni’ Barnaba, aka Ruff Stuff, has emerged onto the scene in style over recent years, with his slick...