
Last month, Disco Halal revealed their initial 2019 schedule including the likes of Moscoman, The Organism, Auntie Flo, Kincaid, Mount Kismet, Simple Symmetry and the second instalment of thePerfect Strangers compilation series. Their first release of the year is the debut collaboration betweenThe Organism & Moscoman for...

Just weeks after dropping the hip-hop influenced "Alright," Dutch bass producer ReauBeauflexes his dynamic production muscles with his new release "Freedom." The track weaves a complex sonic tale with cascading melodies and unhurried, synth-driven basslines. Paired with soulful vocals, "Freedom" is as moving as it...

On Valentine’s Day, Research & Development is to release a special single entitled ’Love Hertz’ from singular electronic band Circle Sky, aka Richard Norris and Martin Dubka. Richard Norris, is a legendary producer and engineer who has worked with everyone from The Pet Shop Boys to...

Secret Fusion is a brand new label from Hungarian duo Secret Factory. The pair have been running a party of the same name for the last 20 years and will focus on quality underground music. The first release comes from SouveQ with remixes by Craig...