
M3 is a memoir, love story, how-to manual and manifesto all in one. As a renowned DJ and producer, DJ Jazzy Jeff’s career spans decades, genres and generations. M3 is a reflection of that existence and his “declaration of independence”. In the final instalment of his “Magnificent” series, DJ Jazzy Jeff celebrates unhindered creativity. While...

Multi-award winning drum & bass producer, Friction, has unveiled his brand-new production, the dynamic single, ‘Dancing’ taken from his upcoming new‘Connections’ album, released on 7th September. The Brighton-born DJ, who has cemented a reputation as one of the most adept and ferocious artists in the scene, teams up with...

Tobtok is one of the rising stars of Swedish electronic music. His new single ‘As I Sleep’ (ft Charlee) a collaboration with fellow Swede, Adrian Lux, showcases his edgier, darker side; a club focused, piano-driven house sound. Tobtok has been receiving heavy DJ support on this release and...