
This festive period, renowned creative production company Zebedee Productions brings a taste of Cockney life to the Christmas party season, with their one of a kind immersive dining experience The Cockney’tivity.   Taking place from 1st-22nd December in an authentic Hackney boozer, Zebedee Productions invites Londoners to...

DJ and producer Matt Tolfrey is set to release a four track EP this November via Kaluki Muzik, featuring two original productions and remixes from Mihalis Safras and AJ Christou. With an impressive back catalogue featuring releases on Elrow, Material, No.19 Music and of course his...

Early December will see the BASTL Instruments affiliated imprint Nona Records unveil Hrtl’s seven-track EP ‘Yellow Mellow’. Leoš Hort aka Hrtl, a member of the Bastl Instruments collective and co-founder of Brno-based cassette label Bükko Tapes, creates dynamic, improvised material with modular synthesizers at the core...

It’s always hugely exciting when a brand new, fresh and exciting act comes along and impress the masses with their first release, and that is exactly what has happened here. KURED is a brand new production outfit who come together for the very first time...

Saladin is back with a brand new production, taking on a different style, called ‘Gateways’. The track breaks down into an e piano melody easing in break beats which finally bursts into hard synths, deep vocal samples, synth blips played over heavy kick drums and...