
Ryan Murgatroyd returns to Get Physical with a new EP ‘Kanna’ just ahead of his upcoming ‘Africa’ themes compilation. But the first things first, ‘Kanna’ is a beautifully produced track, with a thick bass laid out under beautiful piano lines. The undeniable groove pushes the...

“Spectators of the Universe” is the new album from Dutch producer/artist/video director David Douglas released via Atomnation Records. Following on from 2014’s “Moon Observations”, Douglas continues to perfect his interstellar sound, taking the listener on a polyrhythmic, technicolour journey through melodic, sun kissed disco and...

Dave Seaman and Danny Howells last joined forces in July to devastating effect, orchestrating a scintillating ‘back-2-back’ session based on their wealth of experience playing live and strong bond outside the booth. So much fun was had by all, that the pair specifically asked to...