
Renowned house producer Josh Butler has revealed the first edition in a 3-part, 6-track vinyl only series for his new project KAHU. The first vinyl – ‘Beaverworks’ is an intuitive, tribal club cut that draws on Josh’s experiences of Maori culture as a youth. KAHU...

Berlin-based label and artist collective KONFLKT ready the follow up to dotwav’s debut KONFLKT EP Über Tage / Unter Tage. The dotwav duo continue their exploration of percussion-fuelled techno with 2 sides of frenzied broken-rhythms and murky piercing tones. Title-track Schmerz brings the pain to the...

This forth release of Freeway Recordings by Arin Tone is transporting you to a Western movie scene with the break of this track. While big room meets groove, at the drop a cowboy is ready to blow up the clubs with his shotgun. Full track: Beatport:       ...