
International Feel, the much-respected Balearic imprint introduces the first release in a new series of mini-albums from Len Leise. Consisting of six to eight tracks, the concept allows each artist to show more of who they are musically without the constraints of the traditional album...

Having been raised immersed in music by his musician father and with a deep understanding of musical software and synths, Spanish House done Hosse's sound is an electronic rainbow of Soul, Jazz, Funk influenced house vibes. Firmly established and part of the Urbana family Hosse...

Marking his third Armada Captivating release after top-notch tunes 'Exodus' and 'XV', Husman delivers another ridiculously infectious record. The powerful blend of thumping drums, massive lead synths, and ominous choirs equals sheer force striking down everything in its path, and that's what makes this track...