INTERVIEW: H3nry Thr!ll

INTERVIEW: H3nry Thr!ll

Hailing from Washington D.C. H3nry Thr!ll touches back down with his latest studio output, signalling a change up in his production style – the cut delves firmly into a deeper shade of electronica than seen with his previous releases. We caught up with the talented young artist as he unveils his latest track, ‘How Does It Feel’ – Here’s what went down:

H3nry, welcome to I House U, where in the world are you currently?
Thanks so much for having me! I am currently at home right now just outside of Washington DC, working on music and gearing up for next year.

Sweet vibes across ‘How Does It Feel’! How did the track come about & what inspired the change in sound for this release?
This record was a little bit different than my other tracks. One day I just wanted to make a more chilled out beat to just vibe to and it turned into an entire song really quickly. My team I and really liked it and the sound design didn’t stray too far from my other tracks, so we decided to release it and it has been doing really well!

If you could get any artist to remix the track, who would you choose?
Right now it would have to be BROHUG. I look up to them so much and just everything about their production is so cool to me. BROHUG would definitely be at the top of the list.

You started producing at a young age, what was the key trigger point that most influenced you?
Well for me I don’t really think there was a certain point where I was like, “wow this is what I want to do”. It was more of a gradual process, first starting out messing around with GarageBand, and it has escalated to now where I am really focused on music and just making the best records I can make and for people to listen to!

What’s been a record that’s stood out for you this year & been a real crowd pleaser?
My most recent record ‘How Does It Feel’, seems to be a real crowd pleaser and everyone seems to be loving it. It was a little bit of a different genre than I normally do, but we thought it would be fun to do and see what kind of a reaction it would get – and we’re glad we did!

With 2019 coming to a close, do you have any planned gigs to bring in the new year?
For the first half of next year, we are focused on experimenting with music and see what really hits. But later into next year, the plan is to focus on live shows. We’ll see where we land.


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