
Arriving unannounced in November of last year, Nocturnal Sunshine dropped her ‘Foundation’ EP; a bold move from an artist firmly front and centre, in control of her own creative destiny. Premiered byBillboard, lead track ‘Foundation’ now receives three remixes from Canadian producer,UNDERHER, Trance Wax originator EJECA and...

anding on 21st June on the Hoxton-based Perfect Havoc is a fresh rework of the smash hit ‘Cada Vez’ by Dutch producers, La Fuente and Boris Smith. ‘Cada Vez’ marks the duo’s first outing on the indie imprint, a track originally released by Negrocan in 1999, but now with a modern makeover that packs in fresh Latino...

[embed][/embed] With the initial releases off of his first project in years immediately charting on the iTunes Chart, Shogun’s re-entry into the electronic scene is looking to become one hell of a comeback. The LA-based artists has spent the summer teasing his fans with singles form his...

Parx burst on to the scene in 2017 with his debut single ‘Waiting On You’, which received support from BBC Radio 1’s Danny Howard among others. A year that also saw him clock up over 4 million streams on Spotify with ‘Sunrise’, a collab between...