
Today, New Zealand producer and songwriter BAYNK has released his highly anticipated sophomore EP, 'Someone's EP II', following his acclaimed 2017 debut. The EP is a seven-track collection showcasing his pristine electronic production and innovative crafting of sounds, and features international talents including Sinéad Harnett, Glades, Martin Luke...

Terminal V Halloween - ‘The Reckoning’ Saturday 26th October Royal Highland Centre, Edinburgh Terminal V’s unrivalled second 2019 event, The Reckoning, is to be one of the biggest Halloween music festivals in the UK and potentially one of the largest Halloween gatherings anywhere in Europe with the news...

Released last month and, since gaining traction with the likes of Idris Elba, Gareth Wyn Hardwell, Watermat, Todd Edwards, Riva Starr, Patrick Hagenaar, Redondo and more, Perfect Havoc boss, Adam Griffin and label regular, Tobtok, have teamed up with Penny F to deliver a brand new vocal-led version of ‘The Sting’. Out 24th May on the Hoxton-based...