
As innovators and connoisseurs of experience, Lío Ibiza have programmed a plethora of wild and extravagant shows across their forthcoming summer season. As a cabaret bar, restaurant by day and a club by night, their versatility sees them bringing internationally acclaimed artists and brands to...

The much heralded and influential Body Language series returns with its highly anticipated twenty-first instalment featuring Djuma Soundsystem. The compilation is brimming with original productions by the extraordinary artist himself. The experienced and acclaimed Norwegian artist is known for serving up magical tribal grooves imbued with...

With the success of her latest release ‘Que Sera’, Amber Long has put together an exclusive mix especially for iHouseU. If you haven’t heard of Amber Long then its time you should! With an incredible career spanning over 20 years in the industry as a...

Australia’s NuKreative joins up with Balance Music to release two emotive cuts entitled ‘Entheogen’ including a remix from Retza. NuKreative is the brainchild of Danny Bonnici and Jamesen Re, two highly experienced Australian producers who always impress when they join forces. Their latest release on Balance...

Esteemed Parisian label La Belle Records welcomes a whole host of talents to a new 10 track compilation album that brims with inventive grooves from names like In Flagranti, Sebastopol and Middle Sky Boom amongst many others. Opening up the compilation is French legend and La...