
‘Lucine’ is the brand new single from Dutch producer/artist/video director David Douglas. Following the release of his critically acclaimed debut ‘Moon Observations,' ‘Lucine’ is a journey through sun-kissed disco and gentle electronic pop, subtly playing with psychedelic and experimental elements and weaving organic textures alongside...

Argentina’s culture is founded on great styles of music and deep seeded emotional sonic elements, which have touched so many people around the world.  Estigma continues this tradition with his debut release ‘Ankara’. Roberto Reynoso aka Estigma shows draws upon the influences of Turkeys capital city,...

After huge singles on Kryder’s Sosumi imprint (‘Cavenda’) and BigBeat/Atlantic Records (Jacking It Up) earlier this year, Sydney twins Gemellini return with ‘Manga’, a titanic heavy hitter that forms part of the Gott & Blanar EP release on Marcus Schossow’s Code Red label. Heavily inspired by...