
Directed by Meskaprod, responsible for music videos including Odesza's 'My Friend Never Die', and Jumo's boundary-blurring multimedia collective Cela, the film is based on the discovery of an abandoned hospital in Jumo's hometown. Filmed in 4K, the film was shot in one week and makes...

Starting with a jaunt into the world of trance and progressive house, ARMNHMR quickly turn the page into heavier electronic territory with "ORIGIN," the latest cut from their forthcoming EP, INFINITE. Filled to the brim with maximalist intentions and euphoric synth leads, "ORIGIN" is a...

In an impressive way „Wall.E“ is looming its way through the rhythm given by the head of TKR in this 49th edition - Torsten Kanzler. Grounded moods combining solid drumming and strict pads to create a driving atmosphere. Highlighting on his typical deep aesthetics, New...

​ 9th May sees esteemed Italian DJ/producer Fabio Neural return to Carl Cox and Jon Rundell’s seminal Intec imprint with his brand new ​ ​ EP entitled, ‘Kora’.​ This killer three-track offering is Fabio’s third EP on Intec, following on from ‘Yoda’ in 2013 and ‘Decliner’...