
Tigs makes his debut on Slime with ‘Run The Riddim’. The Brighton-based producer has been developing a reputation with his low-slung, bass-heavy interpretation of garage and grime gaining some serious attention. ‘Run The Riddim’ is built around an insistent melody snaking through the skittering beat, before...

Ever evolving and euphoric, Kid Froopy is back with a new single, "UP," which is as free as you'll feel when you hear it. Cranking the bpms up to nxc-lvl, Froop's 160bpm gem is something straddling hard-hitting footwork production aesthetics and ethereal indie songwriting abilities. ...

With Hunter/Game at its helm, the award-winning Just This imprint packs a straightforward techno punch for their seventh release by Pisetzky (Just This, Last Night On Earth). Also featuring Primal, Distant Echoes and Inland, Pisetzky conjures a brooding storm of darkly lit, dystopian soundscapes amidst...