
Illenium transforms Niykee Heaton's "Infinity," an acoustic ballad about eternal love, into an uplifting, bass-filled anthem. Illenium's version is a complete departure from the original, building a unique soundscape in his inimitable style to lend as backdrop for Heaton's sultry vocals to amazing effect. Smooth...

Sydney Blu follows up with the incredibly successful release of her first artist album “Relentless” (Blackhole Recordings), with a seductive artistic music video for her single Electric Era. The Music video is produced by Sarah Blais and The Collections. The video explores the explicit raw...

Muskox Records label boss Alistair Albrecht has impressively stepped up to the plate with the imprint’s newest single, “Late Night”. Alistair’s impressive discography and experience ‘in the trenches’ show through in this impeccable deep house production, lovingly crafted with layers of melody and emotion. Featuring...

Progressive Trance stalwart Johan Vilborg returns to Enhanced Progressive with his latest offering which sees the veteran producer exploring a more experimental side to his sound.Ditching his usual lush soundscapes and uplifting chords, Johan serves up a gritty, techy number with crisp pads, flexing bass...