
Renowned locally and internationally in the field of Music and Performance, Kristian Nairn is a prolific homegrown talent. As a DJ and electronic music producer, Nairn has held down a residency for eleven years in Kremlin, one of Ireland’s most popular and enduring venues. Nairn’s...

Aftermoon is the much anticipated, final instalment from the acclaimed Lost Into The Night EP by in-demand production duo, TJH87, and fellow Finnish rising-star, Roisto. Unlike the EP’s lead NuDisco track Lost Into The Night, Aftermoon showcases an alternative sound from the TJH87 studio -...

Eclectic DJ and producerJose Zaragoza has been rapidly taking over the House music world in the last few months, establishing himself as one of Chicago’s most acclaimed music exports. Following the steps of his legendary mentors, Tony Rodriguez and Burt Blanchard, Jose Zaragoza has established...