
Electronic duo Solomon Grey have announced their debut EP 'Miradors, premiering a brand new track today ahead of its full release early 2015. The EP follows acclaimed singles 'Gen V' and 'Firechild', released last year through Black Butter, and this summer's pop masterpiece 'Electric Baby'. Solomon...

Laura Jones’ second EP for Visionquest ‘Eskipade’ takes a more serious turn for the respected female producer. Featuring two hypnotic, rattling acid tracks together with a remix from Sweden--based techno producer OCH, this is the sound of her stepping into new shoes.“Ive been known for...

Hot off the heels of his smash first single on Zerothree, 24 year old Caweh (Capa) returns with some help from PowerDress for his follow up masterpiece “Digits”. To say this one is special would be somewhat of an understatement…. Capa is one artist that...