
Guy J's Lost & Found is riding high in 2014 with a series of exceptional releases that now continue with a debut offering on the label from the super-talented Turkish producer, Yunus Güvenen.Meeting Molly is a glorious smile inducing, ever-evolving piece of modern electronic wonderment...

Liverpool’s iconic nomads, Freeze, have made a huge success of their founding ethos in utilising all kinds of urban venues, spaces and environments for their brilliant parties. It’s a different way of thinking which has seen the night take over St. George’s Hall, The Anglican...

Marking another epic summer full of daytime sessions, on September 28th secretsundaze Closing Party is returning to the fantastic Oval Space. secretsundaze 2014 closing party featuring DJ Qu, Lone, Live A/V Show feat. Konx-Om-Pax, Brawther, James Priestley and Giles Smith. Headlining the event is house-music...

Celebrating its 13th Birthday, UK’s Sunday fun pioneer secretsundaze presents another epic line up to kick off the party including DJ Koze, Nick Höppner, Anthony ‘Shake’ Shakir and Lawrence. A two-parter event, part one starts at 1pm at Studio 338 and lasts until 10pm, when...