
Calling all aspiring producers: Felix Cartal just announced his Chopped Up Challenge, a four-part musical battle featuring over $10k in prizes from sponsors Native Instruments, Pioneer, and SKIO Music as well as prizing in the form of cash, Felix Cartal’s merchandise, Amazon Studio Echoes, and more. Beginning on February 18th and running through March 11th, the challenge invites all...

Israeli duo Teamworx and French producer Almero team up for a powerhouse new single that puts their dynamic talents on display in the form of "Run." Opening with ominous mechanical synths, the track quickly transitions to bouncy, driving basslines and a buildup that is guaranteed to boost your adrenaline. Paired with a...

LA-based DJ/producer Sam Blacky makes an explosive debut with her brand new single "Too Late," which serves as the world's official introduction to Sam’s underground-influenced house and techno sound. "Too Late" opens with disco-inspired vocals and a kickdrum driven bassline, quickly setting the stage for a late-night vibe...

Making his mark amongst the underground electronic scene, Etho reveals his intoxicating new single ‘Shadow’. Concocting a heady brew of techno, EBM and unquantifiable club music, the record’s dark undertone feels both gritty and valiant. Discussing the track, Etho explains: "I started producing ‘Shadow’ the day...

A vibrant edit of the Haska single ‘Madan’, which was released last year, ‘Madan (Siren Jam)’ is an exhilarating combination of sound effect samples, blistering percussion grooves, trap breakdowns and the infectious vocals of Afropop singer-songwriter Salif Keita. Since Timmy687 posted the original edit on TikTok on 2nd January, spawning a worldwide dance craze, there have been 591,000 videos made...

Emerging multi-talented producer Antduan is treating fans to the release of ‘Rain Drops ft. Alexandra Badoi’, on the 12th March via BEAT2SOUL. Featured vocalist Alexandra Badoi has collaborated with Dutch DJ and producer Armin van Buuren on the hit single, ‘Cosmos’, collecting millions of views...