
What did you do during the big stay-home? Solarstone wrote himself an album - an unplanned one obviously, and one - by his own acknowledgment - he wouldn’t have gotten to write in more conventional times. ‘A lockdown album’ by any other name - not...

Nicky Romero teams up with fellow powerhouse duo Sick Individuals for their new release "Only For You," a progressive vocal gem featuring Australian singer XIRA. The song opens with recurring piano melodies, which gradually build into an upbeat progressive symphony that serves as the perfect complement to XIRA's heart-rendering vocal performance. "Only...

Charles B and Kamil Ghaouti team up for their triumphant debut collaboration "You're Not Mine" on Protocol Recordings, which fuses their unique styles into a deep and groovy sonic journey. Opening with upbeat piano melodies, Charles and Kamil quickly up the ante by establishing a funky bassline complemented by warped synths. The track's...